Issue Position: Issues

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2012

First off I am a huge proponent of less government and more freedom. For too long now the government is too heavily invested in our lives. Anywhere the government is involved you can be assured the quality will go down. We truly need government to get out of the private sector and allow the free market to flourish.

1. HB 180 -- (note it was co-sponsored by my opponent Rep. James Johnson and passed without one NO). For over 50 years plus, electricians did not need a license in the state of Delaware. Very simply, if a helper or apprentice did work it was ok so long as they were under the supervision of a Master Electrician. Also, if the work was inspected by an accredited Electrical Inspection Agency everything was fine. HB180 effectively ended that. This will kill jobs in an economy that is already flooded with unemployment. Another result is that prices will go up because the pool of laborers will be cut. The language in this bill is also unclear as to what exactly electrical work is. This is another case of the government driving out competition, especially once you look at the sponsor's conflict of interest. I would look to repeal this bill, because it is a job killer, it will drive up costs, and it is simply a way to drive out competition.

2. Education -- We need less government intrusion here, for sure. Race to the Top is basically just No Child Left Behind on steroids. There is so much paper work involved that in the end you spend more money then you end up getting. It's like asking for $100 but you have to spend $200 to get it. Another problem is that teachers are being restricted in the classroom. There is too much standardization in the classroom. Many teachers are restricted in what they can teach, because they have train students how to take a test. This restricts them from truly being educated and rather just learning how to pass a standardized test. This is where I think more charter schools and privatized schools. The public education system is failing and it is NOT in many cases due to the educators, but rather the government.

3. HB 325 -- (Co-sponsored by Rep. Johnson) Delaware has taken away the Constitutional authority of the county sheriff. The sheriff is the only law enforcement officer that the public has the ability to vote on and our officials have stripped him off all arrest power. The sheriff has the ability to say whether or not federal troops or agents can operate there. With this bill passed this now means if a sheriff was to say no to the feds and they showed up regardless, he would have no power to arrest them. This is a bill that must be stopped IMMEDIATELY.
